Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Pencil Skirt

I feel the pencil skirt is a must in any women's closet! The pencil skirt is the epitome of sexy but classy. They have many variations of the pencil skirt and I  say try on all of them! See what looks the most flattering to your figure. For me I think a women looks best in a pencil skirt that falls to the knee or slightly below the knee. Perfect for the office or an evening affair!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


I truly believe I was born with the gift of knowing what looks good and what does not ... pertaining to clothes/fashion, anyway!

Early on in my childhood I had some women in my life that liked to get dressed up and even a few men in my life. My Dad was a dapper man. He died when I was very young so most of my memories of his style of dressing came from photos and what other family members said about his style. My Uncle Jimmy still to this day is a very dapper man!

My Mom and my Nanny always looked sharp when they got dressed up! I did have many influences growing up but I feel I have an innate sense of style, a gift.

I have really been inspired in recent years with shows such as What Not To Wear and Project Runway. I will be referencing from those shows through this blogging process! I think in someway I have not tapped into this "gift"until recent years and feel in a sense I am a late bloomer. But I feel it is never too late to follow your bliss! And my Bliss is to share my wisdom with people and hopefully in the process this will make people happy,which in return makes me happy!!

Slimmimg effects of a Blazer/Jacket

Most of the time I am dressing in shorts and a t shirt... or jeans and a T shirt. I always like to dress up when i go out. I had always admired people in the 40's and 50's they always liked a more polished style. Men in suits and Women in a sharp cocktail dress..

I went to catholic school a good part of my youth and when I got out I resented suits/jackets of any kind. I now am a fan of wearing a jacket/blazer. As I have gotten older and not as trim as I used to be a blazer/jacket can be the ticket for a trimmer looking you!

Men and Women can benefit from this! I recommend a fitted Jacket/Blazer for both. Trust me with this. Even with a t shirt and jeans, throw on a nice fitted blazer/jacket and you will look@ least 10 lbs lighter!

Friday, May 27, 2011

My Passion for Fashion.

@ the time I thought about starting this blog I was trying to think about what the hell can I do with my life? Something that is giving me joy and bringing joy to others.

My Sweet BFF Io said that I should start a blog about my passion for fashion. I am always giving her fashion advice and others in my life... Most of the time I am right on the money with my advice. I really think it is a talent I was born with. So here it is, here I am.

I will be posting my tips and photos in the next few days.. peace